How To Manage Your Debt in the Midst of the Covid - 19 Pandemic.
Now May Be The Time To File A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!
Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy requires that you submit to a "means test" to determine whether your household income for your household size is equal to or less than the median income in your county to qualify. If your household income is typically higher than the median income in your county but during the Pandemic you had a reduction or loss of income in the last six (6) months, you may now qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. If you are interested in discharging unsecured debt (credit cards, unsecured loans, certain other unsecured debts) now may be the time to explore filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
What Is The First Step?
Call the office at 215-735-3377 to have your income evaluated, at no cost, to see whether your income qualifies you to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Attorney Demetrius Parrish will personally evaluate your income to determine whether you qualify.